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Candidate Sourcing

Candidate Sourcing

Finding the perfect candidate for you is the most vital part of our business. If we fail to do that we are not fulfilling the needs of the employers who rely on our services.

When you ask us to find a candidate, our first priority is to gather a comprehensive job specification; this is the foundation of any search. We will also discuss your company, its personality, what type of individual you want and so on. Once that is in place our search for your ideal candidate begins.

We source candidates through a variety of means. We often source individuals directly from our database of skilled professionals, but we also network with contacts, advertise on and offline or carry out detailed headhunts where necessary.

Once we have a list of relevant candidates, we will pre-qualify them based upon the job specification. This helps us filter out candidates who are not actively seeking employment at the time. When the selection has been refined to include only the most suitable individuals we review them with you and arrange interviews for those who you select.

Never have we actively nor encouraged our staff, candidates or clients to discriminate against the characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010 such as race, age, disability, sex or religion or beliefs. The Act legally protects people within the workplace, and within the wider society from discrimination.

Gold Group as a whole are committed to maintaining a mutual respect for everyone we work with, work for and represent. We strive to improve the availability of a diverse selection of candidates regardless where we ensure a fair and equal recruitment process.


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01342 330 500