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Keeping employees motivated

Keeping employees motivated

Why employees become demotivated

There are numerous reasons why employees can become demotivated. However understanding why they do is critical to ensuring they remain motivated. A demotivated employee can cause disruption with the team and within the organisation. 

The reasons why employees can become demotivated include:

  • Unchallenged
  • Repetition of tasks 
  • Too much work
  • Lack of appreciation 
  • No career progression
  • Salary
  • Working conditions 

Raising morale

It is important your organisation keeps morale high within the working environment. Demoralised staff are not only more likely to leave but will be less efficient and can contribute towards a negative working atmosphere. Ways of raising morale include:

  • Increased responsibility
  • Training
  • Incentives
  • Appraisals 
  • Bonus schemes
  • Team outings and team building exercises


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