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The Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process

The Recruitment Process is effectively the method by which recruiters, employers and candidates interact in an attempt to fill a vacancy. This page contains a brief outline of how this works.

Recruiter/Employer Relationship

The first step in the process is the building of a relationship between an employer and a recruitment consultancy such as Gold Group. Employers use recruitment consultancies because they offer a specific resource that fulfils one of their needs – the ability to focus time and effort on finding suitably skilled professionals.

An employer will want to work with trustworthy and professional recruitment consultancies to ensure they are getting the best service and the best talent – they will want the consultancy to get to know them, their culture and their people so they can ensure the right fit when new candidates are put forward.


The second step in the process is a ‘requirement’ – simply put, this is a vacancy within the employers company. The employer will inform their recruitment consultancy of the requirement and the recruiters involved will build up a strong knowledge of the requirement and what the employer is after.

This in-depth understanding means the recruiter involved can find perfectly matched candidates for interview. This stops wasted time on behalf of the candidate and the employer – after all, why would an employer want to speak to someone who is unsuitable for the role and why would a candidate want to go to an interview for a role they have no chance of getting. This may explain times where you felt you could perform a role, but a consultant did not put you forward.

Candidate search

Once an employer has a vacancy and it has been relayed to the recruiter, they start to search for suitable candidates. There are numerous ways in which this can be done, including:

  • Recruitment database search
  • Interaction with job boards
  • Recommendations
  • Networking
  • Targeting – this is where professionals in a similar role are sought out
  • Social Media
  • Candidate refinement

Once the recruiter has discovered a small pool of potentially suitable candidates, they will start to refine that pool to just one, two or three people. This will be done by way of telephone or face to face interview with candidates, based on the recruiters’ knowledge of the employer and the role.

CV Submission and interview

Once the recruiter has determined the most relevant candidates for the role they will submit the CVs of these people to the employer and ‘sell’ the reasons why those candidates are relevant. The employer will take all factors into consideration and choose who they wish to interview. The recruiter will then relay success back to those who get an interview and make all arrangements on behalf of the employer. Those who are unsuccessful will also be informed.

The method and volume of interviews can vary from employer to employer. Some will start with telephone interviews, followed by first and sometimes second interviews. Others may simply have one interview. All the relevant information in regard to interviews will be shared with you by the recruiter.


The final stage of the process is the placement. Simply put, this is the offer of a new job from an employer to a candidate. If successful at interview, the recruiter will inform the candidate and then manage all aspects of the new position between the employer and the candidate – this includes notice periods, start dates, salary details and so on.

Although this is technically the last stage of the process, good recruitment consultancies such as Gold Group will go one step further. We ensure that everything is still going well long after the placement by keeping in touch with the candidate and the employer with specific regard to that role.


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